Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mercat de la Boqueria-Barcelona's Bounty

Whether your a foodie or just a tourist in Barcelonia, the Mercat de la Boquería is a must see! Colorful piles of fresh caught seafood, local fruits and stinky cheeses are artfully displayed in this tin roof warehouse market. Locals peruse the aisles stocked with their familiar ingredients used in Catalan dishes, while tourists point and giggle at juicy pig parts and wiggly sea creatures.

As you cruise the market stalls, you come away the knowledge Spainiards respect thier animals more than any American could ever claim. Every part of the animal is reserved for cooking when butchered...and don't ever have doubt that there is a Catalan family recipe that has been passed down for centuries for pig neck stew or pickled cow tongue.

Our favorite stalls are the artisan cheese and charcuterie shops. Manned by proud shopkeepers ready to slice a generous sample off a ham leg or a wheel of cheese, these charcuterie peddlers hold full knowledge that with just one taste of their edible wares, you are drawn into buying whatever you are tasting. So maybe you succumbed to the lure of pork fat, but what's better than taking your day's score to your hotel room for an afternoon respite with a bottle of Rioja.

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